The city is a complex interdependent system of natural, social, and structural systems – a ‘system of systems.’ Each system is important in its own right, but most city systems are highly dependent on functioning infrastructure for their successful operation.
We Need a Starting Point for Planning City Resilience
For a growing number of cities around the world, climate change means a higher risk of flooding, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other disasters that test the resilience of
city infrastructure. Terrorism, and associated threats to infrastructure, is another concern for municipalities. City Managers and Public Works Directors need a straightforward framework, for evaluating the resilience of city infrastructure
systems in the wake of these changes. Facing an array of deteriorating urban infrastructure and limited budgets, they need a starting point for developing sound
capital improvement plans.
See the full paper at:
The intersection of housing and health is very complex. This text is a good starting point: