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Infrastructure is a system of systems...

...that is only as strong as its weakest link.

How WISRD Works

WISRD uses the power of location and predictive analytics... identify exactly where infrastructure is most vulnerable... leaders can make informed, objective decisions on where to spend their limited budgets.

How WISRD Works

WISRD examines three modes of infrastructure failure:

1. Condition: When an asset fails from age or deterioration.

WISRD uses a systems approach to analyze six infrastructure sectors and up to 52 subsectors, plus external threats, so leaders can see the BIG picture.


Existing Conditions
External Threats
Vulnerability Analyses

The result is a holistic, vulnerability-ranked critical path for resilient infrastructure planning, backed by current and objective information.


Cities, campuses, and installations collect and manage vast amounts of infrastructure data—all tied to location. Maps and spatial analyses can quickly make sense of it all, so it’s easier to use. Making data-informed decisions that improve the reliability and resiliency of infrastructure is crucial to improving safety and quality of life.

Gain critical insight

WISRD's easy to use web map and analytics improves everyone's understanding and reveals hidden patterns for better decision-making.

Improve communication

Share maps and analytics securely with staff and other stakeholders to support smart initiatives. Dashboards provide intuitive and effective communication tools.

Make wise decisions

Share data across departments and organizations encouraging collaboration. Identify unforeseen system dependencies and gain support for infrastructure investment.

Who is ACUITAS3d for?

Who can use WISRD?
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Public Works, Planning, Administrators

Anyone who can’t sleep at night because aging infrastructure is outpacing current replacement rates by 10 to 1.


Anyone who doesn’t know how much financial exposure they face due to deferred maintenance across sectors.

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Executive Level

Elected Official, CEO, CFO, COO, Commander, Operations Lead

Anyone who needs to make informed, objective decisions regarding Capital Improvement Planning expenditures.


Anyone wishing to increase the sustainability, resiliency, and quality of life of their communities.


Emergency Management

Police Chief, Fire Chief, Emergency Management Director

Anyone who must prepare for the impacts on critical infrastructure associated with the increase in frequency and intensity of storms and related flooding, fire, debris flow, etc.


Anyone who needs to understand and manage the risk to key areas of critical infrastructure during an event.

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